
Predicting Onset and Duration of Rainfall Seasons in Amukurat-Samuk Villages, Uganda

For people in Amukurat-Samuk villages, the ability to predict or estimate the onset and duration of rainfall seasons is an essential skill for sustainable agriculture. One way is to use the migration of the tropical rainfall belt located along the equator, which migrates following the thermal equator (i.e. the location along the equator where solar radiation, and thus the temperatures are highest). Amukurat-Samuk villages are located at latitude 1.9185° N from the Equator, and longitude 33.3009° E of the meridian at Greenwich, England. The villages experience two rainy and two dry seasons as the thermal equator, and thus the tropical rainfall belt pass over the vilages twice each year; one when the thermal belt moves northwards and one when the thermal belt moves southwards. The duration of each rainy or dry season can vary greatly depending on local climatic conditions. During the years 2012 - 2013, we followed the migration of the tropical rainfall belt across Africa from So

Dry Gardening: A Modified Soil Sedimentation Method for a Garden with Gravelly Sandy Loam Soil

As part of overall goal to establish simple methods for dry gardening in Sustainable Agriculture, our goal this winter year 2021-2022 is the establishment a garden that is resilient to climate change (i.e retains moitsure from winter rains to be used in the 2022 growing season without additional watering or irrigation during summer). As a first step, we have determined the profile of soil texture (i.e.% gravel, sand, silt and clay) at multiple sites throughout the garden. For each site, we determine % gravel, sand, silt and clay in two soil horizons ( topsoil and subsoil). We used a modified method of soil sedimentation using mason glass jars to allow determination of gravel, sand, silt and clay separately. The modified method is illustrated in the Figure below: The results are shown in the table below: These results show that the soil throughout the garden is gravelly sandy loam and are consistent with public soil records for our area- due to glacial till. The percent clay

Splendor of Gardening on Bainbridge Island Washington: Further Evidence that Adding Sodium Chloride (Table Salt) Improves the Accuracy of Determining Percent Clay in the Soil Sedimentation Test for Soil Texture

An essential aspect of sustainable agriculture is to develop resiliency to changes in climate. One aspect of this resiliency is to be able to capture and maintain soil moisture even during prolonged drought. Our goal this year (2021) is to capture the rain water from winter-Spring seasons into the soil of the garden for use in the Summer of 2022. We shall evaluate effectiveness in the summer by observing plant growth and determining whether or not they need watering from an external source. Since clay particles, due to their small size, have greater capacity to maintain/retain water/moisture, it is essential to accurately determine the percent clay, sand and silt in the soil; and thus, modify the soils in the garden accordingly. The profile soil in our area of Bainbridge Island, Washington, is considered to be gravelly sandy loam. We considered it neccessary to confirm the soil profile present in the specific site of the garden. We utilized soil sedimentation test by suspending so

Effect of Table Salt (Sodium Chloride) on Sedimentation of Sand, Silt or Clay in Soil Sample

Our goal this year is to design a vegetable garden that is resilient to climate change by trapping water from the winter-spring rains into the soil. One step in that process is determination of soil texture by determining the percent sand, silt and clay in the soil present in the garden. Once the texture of soil is knwon, we can modify it accordingly to help trap water. We used simple method soil sedimentation test using glass jars to suspend soil sample in water, then allow it to sediment by gravity into layers of sand, silt and clay, which we can measure and use to calculate percentages of each layer. We conducted this experiment by suspending soil in water with (Jars 1 - 5) or without (Jars 6 - 10) dish soap. In addition, since clay particles are affected by sodium chloride to aggregate etc we determined the effect of adding sodium chloride at various time points during the sedimentation. Note: all Jars when shaken vigorously for 5 - 10 minutes, and set down on a flat table at

Splendor of Gardening in the Pacific Northwest Gravelly Sandy Loam Soils: Experimental Design for Retaining Soil Moisture

Peter Emau: One challenge for farmers/gardeners in areas of glacial till with gravelly sandy loam or with soil profiles having high sandy texture- is how to retain moisture into the soil to allow gardening with little or no additional watering. In preparation for the 2022-spring gardening season, we are experimenting with a garden design to retain moisture from the rains in the fall-autumn and winter seasons. Given the soil profile which is predominantly gravelly sandy loam, we are adding alternating layers of straw and manure + soil as illustrated below: A a garden plot in preparation: For each garden plot, soil profile is determined up to 4ft depth to determine percent sand, silt and clay to determine the capacity of the each plot to retain moisture. The ultimate goal is to establish something like this Kale plant- which grew throughout last summer of 2021 ( 3 - 4 months without rain) on this organic heap without additional watering.

Retaining Soil Moisture in Garden in the Pacific Northwest Durng the Adverse Dry Condtions of Climate Change 2021

This year's (2021) dry-hot summer in the Pacific Nortwest resulted in marked loss of soil moisture. For soils with predominant sand texture (e.g. loamy sand), the loss of soil moisture resulted in permanent plant wilting/drying, especially, those plants with shallow roots - within 6 - 10 inches of topsoil. Under these conditions of adverse changing climate, one challeng for a gardener/farmer is to determine/identify factors for moisture retention, and plant growth with minimum or no irrigation. For such soils, one option to retain moisture for plant growth is by improving the soil structure using organic matter. Example: a single Kale plant is thriving well on organic mulch. Another example: Dandelion with very deep roots under an old wood is surviving. Perhaps the wood helping is retaining moisture. By Peter Emau

Sustainable Gardening in Challenging Climate Change

In the Pacific Northwest, like other areas, this year 2021 has seen clear changes in climate. In the Pacific Northwest, the specific changes included prolonged drought-high temperatures during the spring-summer. One challenge for a farmer, under this conditions, is how to sustain gardening throughout the year with minimal or no irrigation/watering to grow healthy vegetables foods. The challenge is more acute for a combination of soils (such as sandy soils when compared to clay soils) that have relatively little capacity to hold moisture; and for plants with shallow roots (e.g within the top 6 - 12 inches of soil/garden surface). Perhaps we can learn from the plants themselves as shown in the following pictures: A: The leaves of grass with shallow roots ( mostly with the 6 inches layer of top soil) on sandy loam soil (16% Clay; 13% silt and 71% sand) has driedied-up due to prolonged drought (at least 2 months without rain): B: The roots (bunch type are) dried-up as well. C: Ho